Message from Professor Anil Gupta, Founder of the Honey Bee Network to Network Grassroots Innovations in Iran (NGIIran)
I am extremely happy that Grassroots Innovation Network is taking shape in Iran to harness the creativity and frugal innovations for inclusive development at the grassroots. The Honey Bee Network assures all support for the purpose including all its databases for free and unrestricted dissemination among all Network members in your country and the region around it. We hope to learn a great deal from a very rich culture and experimental ethic of students, scholars and more importantly common people. The Innovations from grassroots and for grassroots enrich the imaginative landscape at all levels of society. I hope that GIN IRAN will unleash the creativity of women, men, children and all community members and not leave any grassroots innovator unrecognised.
It is important to incorporate some of the key ethical principles of HBN: a) all innovators must be acknowledged by their name and address, they should never be anonymous unless it is a community practice (in which case we can acknowledge the elders or others who communicate the details), b) we should cross-pollinate the idea from one community to another so that the lateral learning takes place, c) we should share the pooled knowledge with each knowledge provider in local language and easy to understand manner and d) we should share any benefit that may accrue through commercialization of local knowledge otherwise back with the communities/innovator in a fair and just manner.
i wish the GIN Iran my best wishes and hope that we will soon be able to publish in HBN newsletter regular column based on Iranian innovations.